
Natural Benefits and Medicinal Properties of Ginger

Natural Benefits and Medicinal Properties of Ginger

Ginger (Zinziber officinalse)


Ginger is a perennial herbaceous plant. Its underground branched stem is called rhizome, which is swollen and tough. Its exterior is white or yellow and turns gray with age. Its diameter is up to 2.5 cm. The leaves and rhizomes give off a characteristic odor when cut. When the leaf part dries up, the rhizome is picked up from inside the soil.

Origin and spread

Ginger originated in India and was introduced to China a long time ago. Indians and Chinese have long used ginger as a spice and medicine. Ginger is grown in abundance in tropical regions.

Food quality

Ginger is available in two forms – fresh and dried. In both cases, ginger has nutritional value. Since ginger is not tasty, it is used in several ways. It is given in vegetables. Dried ginger is used as a spice and medicine.

Minerals and Vitamins: Water, Calcium, Protein, Phosphorus, Fat, Iron, Vitamin C, Fiber, Carbohydrates.

Natural Benefits and Medicinal Properties of Ginger


Ginger is widely used as carminative and anti-inflammatory medicine. A volatile oil is obtained from ginger, which, however, does not contain pungent material. It is used as a perfume and medicine.

Disorders of the alimentary canal

Ginger is very good medicine for alimentary tract disorders. Ginger is a very good medicine for indigestion, flatulence, colic pain, vomiting, spasms and other stomach pains. Chewing a piece of fresh ginger regularly after meals, acts as a preventive against these diseases.

Cough and cold

Ginger works well in treating cough and cold. In case of cough, ginger juice should be mixed with honey and taken 3 times a day. In case of cold, boil ginger in small pieces in a cup of water. Strain it and mix it with half a teaspoon of sugar and eat it hot. Ginger tea is beneficial in treating colds and flu-related fevers.

Airway disturbances

A teaspoon of fresh ginger juice mixed with a cup of fenugreek decoction and honey works as a good antiperspirant. It acts as a cough suppressant in bronchitis, asthma, whooping cough and pulmonary tuberculosis.

Acne and pain

Ginger is a very good pain reliever and cures all kinds of pain. In headache, dry ginger rubbed on the forehead with a little water gives relief. Applying ginger on the face reduces toothache.

Sexual weakness

Ginger juice is a very good aphrodisiac. It works very well in sexual impotence. For good results, take half a teaspoon of ginger juice with a half-boiled egg and honey once every night for a few months.

Menstrual disturbances

Ginger works well for menstrual disorders. Boil a few pieces of fresh ginger in a cup of water for a few minutes. This decoction mixed with sugar and taken three times a day after meals cures menstrual pain and amenorrhea.


It is used as curry powder all over the world. Ginger is widely used in western countries.


tags-natural benefits of ginger, health benefit of ginger, medical benefit of ginger, natural benefit and medical properties of ginger.

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