
The Birth Story of the World is the Opinion of Different Scientists

The Birth Story of the World is the Opinion of Different Scientists

The Birth Story of the Earth

Any object has a continuous history of its origin, decay and development. Nowhere in the universe is there an object or a mass of matter that has remained the same forever or will continue to be so in the future. Since our earth is also an object, so it too has its origin one day, and one day after various changes it will also be destroyed.

Scholars say there was absolutely nothing in the beginning. According to them, at the beginning of creation all the matter in this world, in other words, took the shape of a giant egg. In unimaginable heat the egg bursts, and from it is formed hydrogen, helium, etc., innumerable stars are formed, and gradually other substances are also formed. In the future, the universe will regenerate and return to its original state.

It is estimated that the eruption occurred hundreds of billions of years ago. At that time our sun was not known even though it was for many stars. Later, the sun was born by combining huge dust clouds of billions of miles in space. This did not happen overnight. It may have taken billions of years. This time the sun was alone. This means that all the planets and satellites of our solar system, such as Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter or the Moon, were not even born then.

It is estimated that the Earth and other planets were born about four and a half billion years ago. There is much debate in the scholarly community about how this birth was possible. We will only discuss a few main points here.

The doctrine of Emanuel Kant and Pallas-

We will first discuss the doctrines of Emanuel Kant and Laplace. Emmanuel Kant imagined that everything in the world originated from a primordial nebula. Millions of miles of dust clouds swirling through space formed this nebula. Later, under the influence of the gravitational ball, the closer the different molecules in the nebula became to each other, the more they collided with each other, and the energy generated from their kinetic energy was converted into heat, increasing their kinetic energy. As a result, the level of such conflict has increased.

The speed of rotation of the nebula has also increased. In this way, at some point in the heat of the moment, the nebula explodes and the matter separates from the nebula to form this world. That is, our solar system was formed in the same way that the universe was created.

Although Kant doctrine may seem plausible, many subsequent discoveries have demonstrated the irrationality of this doctrine.

Laplace doctrine-

The French astronomer Laplace is named after Kant doctrine. According to which, in the beginning there was only a giant nebula. From which the sun was born. This original nebula, which was much larger in the shape of the sun, is much hotter than the current sun. As the heat gradually decreases over millions of years, its volume becomes slightly smaller, increasing the speed of rotation of the nebula around its own axis.

Thus, as the days went by, the speed of rotation of the nebula around itself increased and it became smaller and smaller. Now what happens if a sack of sand is poured into a bag? What if the bag on it gets smaller and smaller? Yes, the same is true of the original nebula - that is, some of its outer parts dropped out of the original nebula, but could not fit into space for the gravitational ball. Thus one by one different planetary satellites were formed.

Laplace doctrine was once well-known in the scientific community, but was abandoned after several important discoveries in astronomy.

However, a major feature of Laplace and Kant doctrines is that there is no place for contingencies in these two doctrines. According to them, the universe originated and developed in an orderly, gradual manner. But since the beginning of the nineteenth century, astronomers have taken a new approach to explaining the origin of the solar system. At the heart of this new perspective is the fact that in the distant past, the Sun collided with a star larger than the Sun, and this led to the origin of the solar system.

The doctrine of Chamberlain and Molton

In 1900, T.C. Chamberlain and F. Molton developed a new theory about the origin of the solar system. According to this, in the distant past, in addition to severe storms and fire waves on the surface of the sun, sometimes flammable substances spread in space at high speed. When a giant star passes close to the Sun at that time, the effect of the star gravitational ball on the surface of the Sun increases the amount of firestorms and eruptions many times over. A huge star cannot pass by the sun in the blink of an eye. It passed by the sun quite slowly. As a result, fire storms and eruptions in the Sun chest lasted for a long time. Then, when the star is closest to the sun, the two gravitational pulls of the star are separated from the sun. As the giant star moves away from the Sun, the two isolated parts revolve around the Sun, then as the temperature gradually decreases, the rotating gaseous particles condense and the planet-satellite originates.

The doctrine of Sir James Jeans

Chamberlain and Molton theory was accepted by most scientists. In 1917, the famous scientist James Jeans modified this theory a little and developed a new doctrine. According to him, the gravitational ball of the alien star was partly detached from the sun, but not on either side, but on one side, and the detached part was shaped like a plate. That is, both sides are narrow and the middle is wide. After the alien star has moved away, the gaseous object in the shape of a plate revolves around the sun. Then as the temperature decreases, the object condenses and breaks into pieces due to its own gravity, creating planetary satellites. Since the gaseous body was in the shape of a patel, the planets in the middle, namely Jupiter and Saturn, are large in size, and the farthest planets closest to the Sun are smaller in size. Namely Mercury, Venus, Neptune and Pluto.

This theory of genes was well established in the early scientific community, but later scientists noticed a number of flaws in it. One such question is that the gaseous body in the shape of a patala separated from the Sun body had an altitude (according to Jeans) of ten million (10,000,000) degrees. ঐ At unimaginable temperatures, most of the gaseous particles must have merged into space instead of condensing. And if it were assumed that relatively heavy atoms (such as oxygen heavier than hydrogen, lead heavier than oxygen) condensed, how could hydrogen gas (the lightest) remain on Earth and other planets? The doctrine of jeans cannot answer this question.

Russell and Lytton doctrine

In 1938, Professor H. N. Russell and R., A. Lytton formulated a new doctrine. According to them, the Sun is thought to have had twin stars in the distant past. This, of course, is not uncommon. There are many such twin or twin stars in the sky. They revolve around each other. Scientists have calculated that one out of every five stars is a twin star. And the giant

The collision with the alien star was not that of the Sun, but that of the Sun companion. As a result, the star breaks into pieces and from that the planets and satellites are formed.

This doctrine was initially well-received by scientists, but later scientists noticed a number of flaws in it. But more importantly, scientists are trying to rule out the question of the collision of a new star with the Sun or any of the Sun stars. Because compared to the size of space, the number of stars is very small. The nearest star in the Solar System (excluding the Sun) is 25 million million miles (or 25,000,000,000,000 miles) away. This is the one that is closest. Most of them are so far away that this distance is nothing compared to them. It has been estimated that the Sun is likely to collide with a star spread over this vast distance only once in 600,000 million years. Even the possibility of two stars approaching only once in 500,000 million years. But the average lifespan of a star is 10,000 million years. Thus the Earth and other planets were born from the collision of the Sun with the alien stars এই this doctrine can be considered invalid.

The doctrine of Wiseker and Hale

According to Witsker, in the distant past, as far as Pluto was located around the Sun, there were billions of tons of gaseous molecules and fine dust scattered around - about one-tenth of the Sun mass. These molecules and dust particles were orbiting the sun under the influence of gravity. Thus rotating within a certain range resulted in constant collisions between gaseous molecules and dust particles. As a result of this collision, dust and gaseous molecules began to combine and their gravitational force increased. Gradually their bodies grew in such a way that they absorbed all the gaseous molecules and dust around them and thus the planet satellites were created. Scientists have found many flaws in this theory of Weitzker. That is why the famous astronomer Fred Hale has developed a completely new doctrine. His doctrine is known as ring theory.

That theory states that the sun was born from a huge, gaseous mass of billions of miles. Due to internal reasons, the gas pile starts rotating which inevitably results in contraction. Thus, after many thousands of years, the density and temperature of the pile increased and the degree of contraction increased so that the pile became spherical. That is, the two poles pressed in and the center became swollen. In this way, after a long time, the center became so swollen that the sun could no longer hold it. Dispersed in the shape of a ring, it spread around the sun. Then slowly the attraction of the sun cut off the ball and Jamal moved away.

In addition to the basic substances like hydrogen, nitrogen, carbon, helium, etc., various chemical compounds like ammonia, methane and various metals were also mixed in the gaseous state.

The farther the ring moved, the lower its temperature. The basic elements that were solid or liquid even at that temperature, first detached from the ring and began to rotate in an elliptical way around the sun, and gradually more and more particles came together to form planets, satellites, etc.

Scientists have also noticed a number of deviations from Hale doctrine. But as long as there is no more rational doctrine than this, there is no way but to accept the doctrine of the belt.


Tags: birth, earth, history of the earth, birth story, birth of earth, history of earth, history of planet earth, evolution of earth, history of the entire world, history of the world, history of the entire world i guess, earth history, history of the universe, origin of earth, formation of earth

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