
8 Precautions in the use of Eye Drugs

8 Precautions in the use of Eye Drugs

Be careful when using eye medications

If we have eye problems, we seek medical help. If you take regular medicine on the advice of a doctor, your eyes will get better. But did we know that taking irregular medications without a doctors advice can lead to blindness?

How to be careful:

1. First the patient needs to know if he is allergic to any eye drops? The name of the drop from the previous history of allergy should be informed to the doctor before treatment.

2. The doctor should be informed if there is any disease in the body other than eye diseases (such as diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, asthma, arthritis, etc.).

3. As a treatment for eye itching or allergies, sometimes the doctor recommends using steroid eyedrops for a short time and the patient feels much better. But without the advice of a doctor, patients can use this drop for months on end, leading to increased cataracts and pressure (glaucoma) and blinding of the eyes. The rate of blindness is increasing day by day due to uncontrolled steroid use.

4. After losing eye problems we tend to buy antibiotic drops from drug stores and use them on the eyes. It lowers the immunity of the eye day after day and can lead to frequent eye infections which cannot be controlled even after subsequent application of the drug.

5. Some precautions are needed for those who use eye drops for glaucoma. This is because betablocker national eye drops such as Timolol mellitus increase the difficulty of breathing in asthma patients and can also cause many serious problems in heart patients.

6. People who have angle-closure glaucoma, if given hometapin or etopin in the eye for any reason, can cause severe pain in the eye and reduced vision.

7. Pilocarpine and Latanoprost should not be used for those who have eye inflammation or uveitis. This leads to inflammation of the eyes.

8. If the cornea is injured due to injury or any other reason, using steroid drops without the advice of a doctor can increase the corneal injury and cause the cornea to rupture. This is likely to damage the eyes forever. Steroids are also not recommended for dry eyes, corneal friction, and vitamin A deficiency. Eventually, the disease is treated with drugs, and the use of irregular drugs is blinded. So it is not right to use eye medicine without the advice of a doctor.


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