
Walking and Exercise for Hypertensive Patients

Walking and Exercise for Hypertensive Patients

If a patient with high blood pressure walks for about 35 minutes every day, it will help to lower his blood pressure. This should be done in the morning ... but if you do not have time, you can do it at any time of the day. The speed of walking according to one physical fitness cannot speak for itself. It can be called sub-maximal pid.

First warm up the body by walking slowly for a while - then cool down by walking slowly towards the end. Walking should not stop in too many places. Often these rules are broken because of going somewhere or working. Wherever you go, take a short walk every day. If the brakes fall off, slowly bring the walk back up to 35 minutes.

Aerobics, dass, table tennis and cycling are also good for patients with high blood pressure. We can call these ‘ahisotonic exercises’. Patients with high blood pressure should avoid going to the gym, lifting weights, snooker, push-ups and wrestling.

The following are the benefits of regular walking and exercise:

Physical benefits:

 01. Increased ability to perform physical activities without fatigue

 02. Control over the engine

 03. Control over blood pressure

 04. Increase in rhythm consistency.

 05. Control over body weight

 06. Improving fat distribution

 07. Improving lung function

 08. Increase in the functioning of bodily organs

 09. Protection against bone weakening in old age

 10. Improving the ability to withstand cold and heat

 11. Protection of body joints.

 12. Decreased hyper acidity

 13. Improvement in bowel movements

 14. Skin rashes

 15. To prevent blockage of coronary arteries

 16. Protection from heart attack.

 17. Increase in lifetime.

Biochemical benefits:

 01. Decreased levels of bad cholesterol

 02. Increase in good cholesterol levels

 03. Decreased fat levels

 04. Good control over diabetes.

 05. Decreased tendency to accumulate clots continuously

 06. Decreased stress due to improper secretion of hormones

Emotional gain?

 01. Enhancing energy, curiosity and self image

 02. Decreased anxiety and fatigue

 03. Increased ability to cope with stress

 04. Improved rest and sleep.

 05. Decreased dependence on sleeping pills and drugs

Socio-economic benefits?

 01. Quick return to profitable earnings.

 02. Reduce the cost of medicines


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