
What are the sources of vitamins?

What are the sources of vitamins?

What are the sources of calcium?

An adult should take 400 mg of calcium per day. You can choose from the following foods. Some of the main sources of calcium.

Calcium (mg.) / Per 100 g:

Skimmed Milk 120

Lassi 30

Angry 344

Chhola 202

Total 202

Rajma 260

Soybeans 240

Bathua vegetables 150

Cauliflower 626

Coriander leaves 184

Curry Page 830

Fenugreek leaves 395

Mustard greens 155

Salad leaves 320

Radish leaves 280

Spinach 75

Carrots 80

Onion 50

Root 70

Beans 50

Dhendash 66

Lotus Crab 405

Bureaucracy 50

Bell 85

Dates 120

Munkka 130

Fig 80

Guava 50

Lemon 70

Falsa 129

Raisins 90

Sugarcane molasses 80

Date molasses 80

vitamin D- salmon, sardines, red meat,liver, egg yolks, Orange juice.

Vitamin K-kale, spinach, Swiss chard, lettuce, broccoli, cauliflower,liver, meat, eggs.

Vitamin B-milk, eggs,liver,meat, tuna,salmon, green vegetables, ,spinach,kale.

Vitamin B1-chicken,trout, salmon, milk, yogurt, Eggs.

Vitamin B6-chicken, peanuts, soya beans, wheatgerm, oats, bananas.

Vitamin zinc-Seeds, Nuts, Eggs, Whole Grains, beef, chicken, tofu, pork, nuts, oatmeal, mushrooms,Iron-liver, red meat, beans, nuts.

vitamin A-cheese, eggs, oily fish,milk.

vitamin B7 -peanuts,milk, egg, meal, salmon, mushroom, cauliflower,avocados, bananas

What are the sources of magnesium?

Magnesium is found in a variety of foods and in water. Green leafy vegetables, legumes and whole grains are rich in magnesium. It is also found in limited quantities in meat, fish and poultry production. However, patients with hypertension should not consume meat, fish, etc.

What are the sources of potassium?

The following foods are rich in potassium

Pickled vegetables, broccoli, carrots, corn, beans, bananas, lentils, turnips, mushrooms, potatoes, pumpkins, spinach, cranberries, tomatoes, apples, blackberries, cherries, bones, pears, pineapples, raisins, apricots, apricots Mango, orange, lemon, raisins, watermelon and papaya etc.

What is an anti-oxidant called?

Anti-oxidant works to preserve cells. As well as being an anti-oxidant nutrient (vitamins and mineral salts), it also contains enzymes (proteins that help in chemical reactions). It protects our body from the harmful effects of free radicals. Failure to control free radicals can lead to heart damage. Diseases like cancer or high blood pressure can also occur.

Are there three types of anti-oxidants?

01) Vitamin-A

02) Vitamin-C

03) Vitamin-E

What are the sources of antioxidants?

Anti-oxidants are found in the following things?

01) Vitamin-A: Green leafy vegetables, colorful fruits, vegetables, eggs, oily fish, milk, yoghurt, apricots, mangos, Banana.

02) Vitamin-C: Amla, Orange Lemon, Guava, Musambi Lemon, Raw Chilli, peppers, strawberries, blackcurrants, broccoli, potatoes,  Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, melons.

03) Vitamin-E: Sunflower, seeds, Almonds, peanut butter, Beet greens, Pumpkin, bell pepper, Sprouted grains, all types of grains and pulses.

Is AT-oxidant beneficial in hypertension?

Yes ... Anti-oxidants are also beneficial in hypertension. It also protects the body from a number of diseases, such as heart attack.

Vitamin C is a powerful anti-oxidant. It improves iron absorption by removing impurities from the body.

Vitamin E is also a purifying and powerful anti-oxidant. It also helps to reduce blood pressure by removing impurities from the body. It lowers cholesterol levels and prevents blockage in the arteries.


Tags: vitamins, sources of vitamin c, sources of vitamin d, sources of vitamins and its deficiency diseases, use and source of vitamin, what are sources of vitamins and minerals?, vitamin a, vitamin c, vitamin d, what are vitamins, vitamin sources, vitamin, vitamin e, tricks to learn the sources of vitamins and minerals, sources of vitamins, vitamin c sources, sources of b vitamins, good sources of vitamins, sources of vitamin a, sources of vitamin b, sources of vitamin e

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