
Find out what Vitamins are found in any Daily Food

Find out what Vitamins are found in any Daily Food

Although vitamins are one of the 6 basic ingredients of food, it has a significant effect on our body. Some of the vitamins A, B complex, C, D, E, K are soluble in fat, some are soluble in water. These help to increase the immunity of our body. Let us know which vitamin rich foods we are consuming in our daily food list.

Foods rich in vitamin A.

Small fish (mala, malandi, kajali), milk, butter, cod liver oil, ghee, tomato, pumpkin, lettuce, Mango, turkey liver, beef liver, meat, eggs, carrots, spinach, cabbage, broccoli, mustard greens, red pepper, grapefruit, ripe papaya, etc.

An adult woman should have at least 600 micrograms of vitamin A a day. Adult men need at least 900 micrograms of vitamin A a day. Women diet should have a maximum of 3,000 micrograms daily and men should also have 3,000 micrograms of vitamin A.

Vitamin B foods

Vitamin B1 (Thiamine), Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin), Vitamin B3 (Niacin), Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic Acid), Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine), Vitamin B6 (Biotin), Vitamin B12 (Vitamin B9) (Folic Acid) ).

Banana, avocado, molasses, honey, Oats, beef liver, turkey liver, poultry liver, marine fish (sardines, mackerel, shellfish, salmon, tuna), eggs, milk and dairy foods, beans and beans, mushrooms, nuts and seeds, whole grains, greens Vegetables (spinach)  etc.

Vitamin C national food

Green apple, orange, grape, blackberry, mango, malt, green pepper, mint leaf, Lemon, amalki, guava, pineapple, grapefruit, chalta, olive, kadbel, tamarind, barai, kamaranga,  parsley leaf etc.

Vitamin D national food

Various fish with oily or fat, pangas fish, Puna fish, shaman fish etc. Mushrooms, milk, cordliver oil, cheese, orange, lemon, oats and nuts, egg yolks, beef liver, yogurt, wheat, ragi, barley, cheese, etc.

Vitamin E national food

Peanuts, walnuts, green leafy vegetables (spinach, cabbage, broccoli, raw turnips, almonds, vegetable oils, egg yolks, wheat, soybeans, sunflower, different types of peppers, beans, lemons, avocados, eggs, salmon, fish, etc.) .

Vitamin K is a national food

Green vegetables, soybean oil, turnips, beets, radishes, red chillies, spinach, lettuce leaves, cauliflower, cabbage, egg yolks, goat liver, vedan juice, carrot juice, garlic leaves etc.


Tags: vitamins, what are the best vitamins to take daily, how to fulfil daily vitamins and minerals, food, daily food for good health, vitamin c foods, what i eat in a day, what vitamins do i need, are vitamins good for you, what vitamin e good for, what i eat in a day to lose weight, daily vitamins for women, vitamin d, are vitamins bad for you

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