
The Beginning of the Creation of the World

The Beginning of the Creation of the World

The history of the creation of the world is very different from that and very surprising.

The Creation of the Earth

Scientists, after much research and review, have come to the conclusion that the Sun, the source of all energy, existed in space about five billion years ago. At that time a huge astrologer was rushing towards the sun with great speed. The sun collided with him. As a result, some parts become detached from the Sun due to the magnetic field of intense energy or any other attraction. The planets of the solar system were created from those isolated parts. Since they are isolated from the sun, the sun is at the center of their main attraction. Later they rotate around the Sun according to their respective rings. Our glorious world today is one of those planets. At the very beginning, the earth was a huge and extremely hot gas sphere. Then the process of cooling and heating begins. In this process, somewhere in the world it shrinks, somewhere it becomes higher, somewhere wide horizon cracks are created. This is how the mountains, the sea and the land are created.

However, life was created on earth many millions of years later. The creatures that ruled the earth at the beginning of creation - they became extinct billions of years ago.

The beginning of the creation of the world

At birth the earth was like a huge volcano. A little bit of solid and heavy matter, everything was at the center, and he was surrounded by a lot of gas. Some say that the earth was created from a rolling nebula with other planets. Either way, its temperature was so high that it had just deviated from the sun, so much so that many solids were gaseous at that temperature. That is why the earth of that time was much bigger than the world of today. The size was not like the orange lemon. According to scientists, the size of the earth at that time was much like a pear. As the earth spine rotates, so do the two poles. That primitive earth gradually gained an atmosphere. Scientists have found that ammonia and methane predominated in that primordial atmosphere. And there was a little bit of water vapor.

Thus, after many millions of years, the surface of the earth became a little colder. After leaving the hot milk, a thin layer fell on the earth as a result of cooling. But the interior heat remained the same. In that primitive world, volcanoes erupted very frequently. As a result, more gas and water vapor merged into the atmosphere, making the atmosphere heavier.

Thus, after many millions of years have passed, the atmosphere has also changed. Nitrogen and carbon dioxide replaced ammonia and methane in the atmosphere. By then the surface had cooled a little more. At the same time the atmosphere has cooled down. As a result, water vapor condensed and heavy rain started. The heated surface evaporated the water back into the sky. As little water entered the earth hot interior, they sank into a thunderstorm. The onset of massive earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. The lava that came out of the interior of the earth cooled and hardened in the rain water. But volcanic eruptions are not lotus. The eruption continued year after year. With that the heavy rain started. Month after month, year after year. Once the land surface was submerged in water. 

Then the earth gradually cooled down and began to shrink. When something shrinks, it is as high in one place, low in another place - as the earth cools and shrinks, so does it. The mountains and the sea are formed by shrinking in places. Gradually the water vapor cooled and took on the shape of water. The high places are the hills and the hills above the hills. The sea-ocean was formed by the accumulation of rain water in the low places. Even then no kind of life appeared on earth. At the very beginning, the earth was a huge and extremely hot gas sphere. Then the process of cooling and heating begins. In this process, somewhere in the world it shrinks, somewhere it becomes higher, somewhere wide horizon cracks are created. This is how the mountains, the sea and the land are created. However, life was created on earth many millions of years later. The creatures that ruled the earth at the beginning of creation - they became extinct billions of years ago.

It is difficult to say what the surface of the earth looked like millions of years ago. Because so far the earth surface has changed a lot. The very early appearance is no longer in any part of the world. However, it is estimated that a solid layer of igneous rock formed on the surface of the earth about a billion years after its birth. Originally this was the first state of the crust. Then the combination of these igneous rocks and some other substances created our very familiar soil. The top of the earth hardened, but the inside is still full of fluid. Liquid seas of iron, nickel, etc. exist inside the earth.


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