
Fact About Comoros Country

Fact About Comoros Country

Information about Comoros Country

Important information about the country of Comoros:

General information:

Country name: Union of the Comoros

Capital: Moroni

Official language:



Comorian (Shikomoro)

Currency: Comoros franc (KMF)

Area: 2,235 square kilometers

Population: About 900,000 (2024 estimate)

Religion: Mainly Islam (about 98% Muslim)

Geographical location:

Continent: Africa

Location: In the Indian Ocean, on the east coast of Africa and between Madagascar and Mozambique.

Main islands:

Grande Comore (Ngazidja)

Moheli (Mwali)

Anjouan (Nzwani)

Mayotte (Mayotte - it is under France, although claimed by the Comoros).


Independence: July 6, 1975 (gained independence from France).

Political status: Has a history of repeated military coups.

Heritage: A blend of Arab, African, and French cultures.


Main sectors:

Agriculture (vanilla, coconut, cloves).



Exports: Vanilla, cloves, coconut, and essential oils.

Challenges: High unemployment, poverty, and political instability.

Culture and heritage:

Language and music: Influenced by Arabic and African cultures.


Islamic religious festivals (Eid al-Fitr, Eid al-Adha).


Rice, fish, and coconut-based dishes.

The use of aromatic spices is popular.

Tourist attractions:

Mount Karthala: Active volcano, famous for hiking.

Moheli Marine Park: Interesting for its marine biodiversity.

Moroni City: Historic mosque and market.

White sand beach: Tranquil environment and natural beauty.

Special features:

Biodiversity: Home to rare species of plants and animals.

Economic problems: It is one of the poorest countries in the world.

Religious traditions: Islam is the center of the country social and cultural life.

Political instability: There are coups and political instability.


Although Comoros is a small island nation, it is known for its cultural diversity, historical heritage, and natural beauty. However, the country economic and political challenges are still significant. The country is working to develop and expand tourism.

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