
Facts about Costa Rica

Facts about Costa Rica

Important facts about Costa Rica:

General information:

Country name: Republic of Costa Rica

Capital: San José

Official language: Spanish

Currency: Costa Rican colón (CRC)

Area: 51,100 square kilometers

Population: About 5.3 million (2024 estimate)

Religion: Predominantly Roman Catholic (about 70%)

Government system: Democratic republic

Geographical location:

Continent: North America (Central America region)


North: Nicaragua

South: Panama

East: Caribbean Sea

West: Pacific Ocean

Natural diversity: Mountains, volcanoes, forests, and beaches.


Spanish colony: Spanish rule began in 1563.

Independence: Gained independence from Spain on September 15, 1821.

Political stability: One of the most stable and peaceful countries in Central America.

Military abolition: The country abolished its military in 1949.


Main sectors:

Agriculture (coffee, bananas, pineapples).

Tourism (eco-tourism).

Technology and service industries.

Exports: Coffee, bananas, pineapples, medical equipment.

Challenges: Unemployment and income inequality.

Special features: Internationally recognized for its environmentally friendly development.

Culture and heritage:

Language: The main language is Spanish, but English is widely spoken.

Festivals and events:

Fiesta de los Diablitos

Carnival and religious festival.


Gallo pinto (rice and bean mixture).

Casado (rice, beans, salad, and meat mixture).

Tropical fruits such as pineapple, papaya, and bananas are popular.

Tourist attractions:

Arenal Volcano: Active volcano.

Monteverde Cloud Forest Reserve: Biodiverse forest.

Manuel Antonio National Park: Famous for its wildlife and beaches.

Corcovado National Park: Home to rare animals and plants.

Tortuguera National Park: Famous for seeing sea turtles.

Playa Conchal and Tamarindo beaches: Attractive beaches for tourists.

Special features:

Environmentalist country:

Aims to be the world first coal-free and renewable energy-dependent country.

A pioneer in forest conservation and a biodiversity hotspot on earth.

Education and health:

Free education and advanced healthcare.

Political peace:

No military and known as a peaceful state.


Costa Rica is known worldwide for its natural beauty, environmentally friendly policies, and political stability. It is popular for eco-tourism and is considered one of the most peaceful countries in the world.

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