
Finland Country Fact

Finland Country Fact

Finland Country Information

Detailed information about Finland Country

General information

  1. Country name: Finland
  2. Capital: Helsinki
  3. Official languages: Finnish and Swedish
  4. Area: 338,424 square kilometers
  5. Population: About 5.6 million (as of 2024)
  6. Currency: Euro (€)
  7. Religion: Mainly Christian (Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland)
  8. Democracy Index: One of the best democracies in the world

Geographical location and climate

  • Finland is located in Northern Europe.
  • Neighboring countries are Sweden, Norway, Russia and Estonia.
  • Winter is very cold (temperatures can drop to -20°C).
  • Summer is very long and the night is almost non-existent ("Midnight Sun").
  • In winter, the Aurora Borealis (Northern Lights) can be seen in northern Finland.

History and Culture

Gained independence from Russia in 1917.
It is known for its world-class education system and social welfare.
Sauna is an important part of Finnish culture.

Economy and Lifestyle

  • Finland is one of the richest and most developed countries in the world.
  • The world-famous technology company Nokia is based here.
  • The standard of living here is high and safe.
  • Education and healthcare are completely free.

Global Achievements and Specialties

  • The happiest country in the world (according to the United Nations World Happiness Report).
  • Education means one of the best countries in the world.
  • Natural beauty, rich in lakes and forests.
  • Environmentally friendly and technologically advanced.

Why is Finland special?

The people here are peaceful and friendly.

The cleanest air in the world is found here.

A kingdom of ice in winter, sunshine all day in summer.

It is one of the safest countries in the world.

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