
Causes of High Blood Pressure

Causes of High Blood Pressure

High blood pressure is not a cause. Several factors are responsible for this. These are called risk factors for high blood pressure. We can divide these into two groups.

(01) immutable and (02) variable.

Unchangeable factors cannot be changed, but changeable factors can be changed if we try.

(01) Irreversible factors: You cannot change these. To date no medicine has been developed to control them. These are:

(i) Longevity: With increasing age, blood pressure between men and women increases.

(ii) Hereditary factors: Hereditary factors are also important in high blood pressure. Studies have shown that if parents do not have high blood pressure, their children have a 3% chance of developing the disease. And if both parents have high blood pressure, their children have a 45% chance of developing the disease.

(02) Mutable Factors: These are the factors that you can change.

(i) Obesity: Obesity is a major cause of high blood pressure. As body weight increases, so does the risk of high blood pressure. Studies have shown that weight loss lowers blood pressure.

(ii) Fat: Cholesterol and triglycerides can also increase high blood pressure. Elevated levels of these can lead to atherosclerosis ... something that raises blood pressure.

(iii) Alcohol: Excessive alcohol consumption also increases the risk of high blood pressure. Studies have shown that high systolic blood pressure is more dangerous than high diastolic blood pressure. It is believed that alcohol increases systolic pressure.

(iv) Physical Inactivity: Blood pressure also rises due to weight gain and some other reasons.

(v) Psychological stress: A person suffering from stress tends to have a severe reaction to the sympathetic nervous system. As the adrenaline secretion in the body increases, so does the blood pressure.

(vi) Salt levels: Various studies have shown that high salt intake increases blood pressure. The number of patients with high blood pressure is high in Japan ... because salt consumption is high there.

(vii) Smoking: Smoking and tobacco use are also thought to be responsible for high blood pressure.

(viii) Other factors: Contraceptive pills, screaming, shivering and fever can also cause high blood pressure.


(E) Is hypertension due to stress?

Are you under a lot of stress in your office? Do you get angry when you get stuck in traffic on the road? Do you get angry over trivial reasons that others ignore? Then know that you are suffering from stressful hypertension.

Stress response.

When you are overwhelmed by stress, your body begins to respond to stress. This raises the level of adrenaline ... which in turn raises blood pressure, blood sugar and heart rate. It also increases muscle tone, but gradually lowers blood pressure. If this happens again and again, then the level of blood pressure in the body is maintained.

Stress and high blood pressure

People with chronic stress almost always suffer from chronic hypertension. How do you know if you are suffering from this disease? Very easy! If you feel human pressure, then you are a patient of this disease. People who get angry very quickly are more likely to develop human hypertension. According to one estimate, human pressure is responsible for up to 50% of high blood pressure.


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