
Cause of Obesity and the way of Prevention

Cause of Obesity and the way of Prevention

Lean health is a prerequisite for a beautiful and attractive personality. Because obese health is certainly not desirable. Obesity on the one hand is ugly to look at and on the other hand obesity is associated with many kinds of diseases.

So for lean health you need special diet control, moderate exercise, strength of mind etc. But in today discussion we will see why we get fat, what are the problems when we get fat, how to get rid of obesity etc.

Causes of Obesity:

 Before diagnosing the cause of obesity, we need to know who we call obese, if body weight falls into the category of obesity. According to medical experts, if you have more than 25% fat in your body weight, you can safely say that you are obese. Because no one has less than ten percent body fat, whether he is a boy or a girl.

However, body weight is not just for fat. Many people may be overweight. If someone or the bones of the body are thick, it will also result in more weight.

There is a lot of research going on around the world to find the exact cause of obesity, but there is a lot of disagreement about the exact causes. However, the main reason for the increase in fat in general is overeating. This is why most obese people gain fat. But why do we eat more? But other animals do not have this tendency. Self-control techniques work in other animals, which means that other animals will eat as much as they are hungry, or eat as much as they want or want to eat, not more. But in humans this control mechanism does not work. This is because people tend to overeat as much as they eat to satisfy their hunger.

The second reason is that any disease of the hormone-secreting glands can lead to an increase in fat, in which the thyroid gland secretes less than it needs. People who have this problem tend to gain weight. Problems with other glands such as the supernatural gland, pituitary gland, etc. can lead to problems with body fat. Girls often become obese if they have small tumors in the ovaries, take birth control pills, etc.


Among other factors, obesity is more likely to occur with age. For example, older children eat more. But at this time you need to consume a lot of calories to build the body. Hormones secreted during this time help the body to store fat but at this time excess calorie intake reduces fat. But those who are eating and drinking in excess of their needs are accumulating body fat. When girls stop menstruating in middle age, the body estrogen decreases, resulting in increased appetite. So many women can get fat at this time. So at the moment they do not think much about their body. Work decreases but eating and drinking does not decrease. Many people think that it does not benefit the body. So laziness makes him fat. Moreover, many women become obese even after surgical removal of the uterus. 

Exercise and Hard work: 

Due to not doing moderate exercise and hard work, fat can accumulate in the body. This problem is more prevalent among women living in cities. Because no matter how hard the girls in the village eat, their body cannot accumulate fat. It is often seen that girls become obese due to complacency after marriage, after marriage girls start eating and drinking a lot and sleep also increases, resulting in tendency to become obese. Again, those who have a lot of money in their hands, old age, working condition, both mind and body are good at this time, many are comfortable and have a tendency to get fat.

Some More Reasons:

* In the houses where cooking is good, there is a tendency to have total among the members of the house.

* Those who have delicious food in stock at home do not have an appetite but can be seen eating these foods from time to time.

* Those who are suffering from mental depression are finding the difference between overeating by eliminating fatigue.

* After childbirth, the abdomen of girls becomes a little fat. Even then it may seem seemingly fat.

* Those who are breastfeeding their baby are helping to increase body fat as a result of overeating.

* Many people become obese even after the operation, it is also due to taking more care and eating.

Hereditary: Some people are also obese due to hereditary reasons.

Obesity problems: 

Obesity problems can include diabetes, high blood pressure, coronary thrombosis, heart disease, gall bladder in obese women and many more. People who were thin but began to gain weight in middle age are more likely to get sick. Obesity is not a problem in sex life, but being overweight can make it difficult to move. Because sex is a high calorie exercise. Obese women may have problems during childbirth, including high blood pressure and toxemia.

Ways to get rid of Obesity:

This requires some diet, exercise and stress control. If one of these is lacking or if there is a lack of continuity, the purpose will not be successful. The following tips can be followed for dieting remedies.

1) Reduce the amount of meat in the diet. Eat vegetarian for the rest of the day, not more than once a day. This way the chicken is better. If you buy beef or goat meat, you will buy less fat. When cooking, cook in small pieces.

2) Cook with less oil. Use corn oil or sunflower oil for cooking if necessary.

3) Eliminate fat when cooking meat.

4) Eat more raw and green vegetables. Eat beans and various pulses. Try cooked food.

5) If you want to eat milk and yogurt, eat matatola.

6) Bake or grill food as much as possible.

7) Choose chicken and fish instead of beef and mutton.

8) Eat less rice bread. Eat more fruits. It is better to toast bread without butter.

9) Do not eat a lot of food at once and eat less again and again. But make sure you do not eat too many high-calorie foods over and over again. Eat cucumber salad fruit for lunch or dinner.

10) Fast one or two days a week. Do not eat too much sehri before fasting and after iftar.

Try to avoid the following habits.

10 Habits to Avoid:

1) All foods available in fast food stores should not be eaten while hungry. Because all the burgers, rolls, etc. that are available here have the potential to increase fat.

2) Do not eat butter, cream, ice cream, creamy milk.

3) Do not eat more than two eggs a week.

4) Eat less oily foods, pastries, coke, singara etc.

5) Wash fruits and pulses before cutting. Washing after cutting reduces the nutritional value.

6) You should not overeat at night without eating breakfast.

7) Do not eat almonds, creamy biscuits etc. during tiffin.

8) Do not follow a diet that is inconsistent with your lifestyle.

9) Many people expect to lose weight within a week or two of starting dieting, but are frustrated not to lose weight, so quit dieting. That is not right. You have to diet patiently.

10) Finally, I would like to say that the food list can be changed depending on the physical condition of the person. As one gains weight by eating two to four spoons of rice, he should try not to eat rice. Because life may not always be like math.


tags- main causes of obesity, what are the causes of obesity, what are five causes of obesity, causes of obesity essay, prevention of obesity, types of obesity, food that causes obesity, risk factors of obesity

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