
What is the body, material, volume and mass of the Sun?

What is the body, material, volume and mass of the Sun?

The body of the sun

Although the sun looks like a bright star from a distance, its body is very light in size. The body of the sun is made of burning steam. The sun is surrounded by three veils. These are the atmosphere of the sun. The surface temperature of the sun is much higher. Because the sun is shining day and night. The three mantles of the sun are also burning in this way all the time, scattering heat and light in the space. When the heat of the sun is so high you realize that there is no solid or liquid substance. Everything here is in a gaseous state. This blazing fire often causes great storms and cyclones.

The elements of the sun

The sun is a fiery furnace. Hydrogen is 81.7 percent of the sun constituents, helium 18.17 percent, and the rest contains 0.07 percent nitrogen, oxygen, carbon, iron, nickel, sodium, copper, calcium, and gaseous elements.

The size of the sun compared to the earth

The diameter of the earth is 8000 miles. And the diameter of the sun is 8,64,000 miles. If thirteen million earths are connected then only the sun will have equal volume. Where the average density of the Earth is 5.5, the average density of the body of the Sun is only 1.4. So even though the size of the sun is much larger than the earth, the weight of the whole sun is only a few times more than three lakhs of the earth.

The mass of the sun compared to the earth

The gravitational pull of the sun is about twenty-eight times greater than the pull of the earth. This means that if any person in the world weighs ninety kilograms. Then its weight on the solar surface will be 2520 kilograms.

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