
Natural Benefits and Healing Rituals Wood Apple (Bael Fruit)

Natural Benefits and Healing Rituals Wood Apple (Bael Fruit)

Wood Apple (Bael Fruit) (Aegle marmelos)

Wood Apple (Bael Fruit) is an important nutritious and beneficial fruit. The Wood Apple (Bael Fruit) is a hard shell, 5-15 cm in diameter. It contains numerous seeds, enclosed in a thick aromatic husk. These fleshy shells are eaten.

Origin and spread

Wood Apple (Bael Fruit) is a native fruit of the Indian subcontinent. Wood Apple (Bael Fruit) trees also grow in Myanmar, Thailand and Southeast Asian countries.

Food quality

Wood Apple (Bael Fruit) is rich in minerals and vitamins. Wood Apple (Bael Fruit) syrup contains important nutrients. This syrup is thick and syrupy. Wood Apple (Bael Fruit) should not be eaten in large quantities, as it can cause stomach heaviness and discomfort. Nutritional value of Wood Apple (Bael Fruit): protein, calcium, phosphorus, Iron, vitamin C, fiber, carbohydrates, small amounts of vitamin B complex.

Natural benefits and healing rituals Wood Apple (Bael Fruit)

Important herbs

Wood Apple (Bael Fruit) tree is one of the most important herbs. Medicinal properties All parts of the bel tree, including trunk, bark, leaves, roots and fruits, and in all stages of maturity are medicinal.

Coolant and solvent

Ripe bell fruit syrup is aromatic and acts as a skin tonic, cooling and laxative. Raw or half-ripe betel helps in maintaining normal digestive and stomach function.

Eliminates vitamin C deficiency

Wood Apple (Bael Fruit) increases appetite and helps prevent scurvy caused by vitamin C deficiency.

Eliminates constipation

Ripe Wood Apple (Bael Fruit) is considered best to relieve constipation. Ripe Wood Apple (Bael Fruit) fruit juice helps to flush out the accumulated faeces in the stomach. Milk and little sugar can be added to make it sweeter. Ripe Wood Apple (Bael Fruit) peppers can be eaten with a spoon.

Diarrhea and dysentery

Wood Apple (Bael Fruit) is the most effective food remedy for diarrhea and dysentery. Dried bel or its powder can be eaten with sugar.

Peptic ulcer

Bilberry juice is considered an effective food remedy for peptic ulcers. If you continue this treatment for a few weeks, you will get relief from pain and discomfort. Bay leaves are rich in tannins that help heal ulcers by reducing inflammation.

Diseases of the respiratory system

Oil made from bay leaves cures colds and respiratory disorders. An equal amount of sesame oil is mixed with the juice extracted from the bay leaves and heated well. It is then stored for use when needed.


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