
Maize Origin And Distribution, Food Value And Natural Benefits

Maize Origin And Distribution, Food Value And Natural Benefits

Maize Origin And Distribution, Food Value And Natural Benefits

Maize (Zea mays)


Maize is the most important cereal crop in the world after wheat and rice. Unique among grains. Seeds are produced in different inflorescences, which are completely covered by transformed leaf sheaths. It is best when full-grained, but young and soft. Young corn is preferred because of its high sugar content.

Origin and spread

In the United States it is called corn. Corn is a very important source of food for Americans. Corn is used in many ways. Bhuta is widely used as human and animal feed. It is also a staple food for people in Mexico, Brazil, Nigeria, Kenya and Zimbabwe.

Food Standards:

  • Aqueous matter-14.9
  • Calcium-10 mg
  • Protein-3.6
  • Phosphorus-348 mg
  • Fat-3.0
  • Iron-2 mg
  • Fiber-2.9
  • A small amount of vitamin B complex
  • Energy (Calorific) – Value 342
  • Carbohydrates-66.2
  • (Edible portion per 100g)

Natural benefits and healing Rituals

Bread made from corn flour is very nutritious and tasty. It is digested without any problem. Eating this bread regularly keeps the colon clean. Dextrose made from corn is widely used in medicine.


Popcorn, made by heating corn kernels, is a nutritious grain food and easily digestible. It is non-starchy because during popping, its starch is converted into dextrin and intermediate carbohydrates, which are easily absorbed. It increases the amount of stool and stool. It also stimulates peristalsis (wave-like movement by absorbing water). So it is a valuable food in constipation.


Maize is used in various ways. It is usually ground into flour. It is eaten boiled, baked or fried. Whole grains can be boiled or roasted or fermented. Soup can also be made with it.


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