
Sesame Food Quality And Natural Health Benefits

Sesame Food Quality And Natural Health Benefits

Sesame (Sesamum indicum) Health Benefits 


Sesame is a well-known oil seed. It is probably the oldest of the oilseeds. It has been known as a very good quality food in Asia since ancient times. It is a perennial herb, one to two meters tall. Its body is covered with glandular hairs and has a pungent odor. Seeds are small, smooth, white, red or black in color.

Origin and spread

The mole originated in Africa. It was found in Harappa, in the 2000 BC. Its seeds and oil are mentioned in Indian Vedic literature and used in various religious ceremonies. Long ago it entered India, China and Japan through Western Asia.

Food quality

Sesame seeds are a nutritious food. However, the seed coat should be removed before eating. Because it can irritate the esophagus and has a bitter taste due to its high oxalic acid content. However, although the peel is rich in calcium, iron and vitamin B1, it is not possible to extract them in our digestive system.

Natural benefits and healing rituals of Sesame 

There are three types of sesame seeds - white, red and black. A good quality oil is obtained from the black variety and it is mostly used medicinally. The white variety is very rich in calcium and is used in all types of calcium deficiency. Red variety contains enough iron. This seed is emollient and skin softener, nutritive tonic, menstrual blood pressure stimulant, laxative, diuretic.

The oil extracted from the seeds also has medicinal value. Ancient Indian doctors said that sesame oil is the best of all oils. It has good smell and high boiling point. The latter quality is important from a health point of view. This indicates that sesame oil has less molecular reorganization than other oils.


Sesame oil works very well in the treatment of hemorrhoids. It can be used as kath or with sweet food.

Skin disease

Application of sesame seed poultice on common sores and burns is beneficial. Applying a mixture of equal amounts of sesame oil and lime water externally is also beneficial in these cases.


Black sesame seeds are beneficial in anemia. A kind of emulsion is obtained by soaking the seeds in hot water for a couple of hours, beating and straining. Mix this emulsion and jaggery in a cup of milk and feed the patient.

Dysentery and diarrhea

Sesame seeds are beneficial in dysentery and diarrhoea. Fry two tablespoons lightly in a frying pan. Then grind it to a fine powder and mix it with a tablespoon of ghee made from cow milk. Then divide it into three parts. Each portion should be fed three times with hot goat milk to a chronic dysentery or diarrhea patient for six days.


Sesame seeds are used to induce abortion. An equal quantity of date jaggery mixed with one tablespoon of sesame seeds and consumed twice daily in early pregnancy induces abortion. It stimulates uterine contractions and hence the fertilized ovum is released.

Diseases of the respiratory system

Sesame seeds work well in respiratory diseases. A decoction of sesame seeds mixed with a tablespoon of linseed with a little salt and honey and taken once at night cures bronchitis, pneumonia and asthma. It acts as a cough suppressant.

Menstrual disturbances

Unmarried, anemic young women should take half a teaspoon of sesame seed powder with warm water twice a day to reduce menstrual pain. Regular consumption of it from two days before the expected date leads to normal bleeding.

Hair problem

Crushed sesame leaves work well to remove dandruff. A decoction of the leaves and roots can be used to cleanse the hair well. It stops premature graying of hair and stimulates hair growth.


tags-health benefits of sesame seeds, sesame seeds benefits, sesame seeds health benefits, benefits of sesame seeds, sesame seeds, sesame oil benefits, white sesame seeds benefits, health benefits of sesame, health benefits of sesame seeds natural remedies, sesame oil health benefits

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