
Milk Nutrition Facts And Health Benefits

Milk Nutrition Facts And Health Benefits

Milk Benefits

Milk is an important food all over the world. It occupies a unique place in promoting good health and curing diseases. It is considered as a balanced natural food. Humans have been consuming milk from various animals since ancient times. Generally cow, buffalo and goat milk is used. Sheep and horse milk are also used in some places. Cow milk has about twice as much protein as human milk, but less sugar. Moose milk has more fat content than cow milk.

Food quality

Milk is considered a complete food. It contains proteins, fats, carbohydrates, all known vitamins, various minerals and all essential elements for maintaining good health. Milk protein is of high quality and contains all the amino acids essential for body repair.

Food Value (%):

  • Aqueous matter-87.5
  • Protein-3.2
  • Fat-4.1
  • Minerals-0.8
  • Carbohydrates-4.4
  • (Edible portion per 100g)

Minerals and Vitamins:

  • Calcium-120
  • Phosphorus-90
  • Iron-0.2
  • A small amount of vitamin B complex
  • K and P
  • Energy (calorific) value is 67

One liter of milk provides all the calcium, all the phosphorus, enough vitamin C, one-third or more of the protein, one-eighth of the iron, at least one-fourth of the energy, and some amounts of vitamins B, E and D.

Milk is easily digested. 99% of its fat, 97% of protein and 98% of carbohydrates are digested. Milk takes an hour and a half to digest. Milk coagulates immediately after entering the stomach. Organic salts and water are immediately absorbed, and the solids move into the arms, where the fat is rapidly absorbed.

Natural benefits and healing rituals of Milk

Milk increases energy, improves memory, relieves fatigue and promotes longevity. Milk is a type of food that can be consumed by everyone from children to old people.

Low body weight

Milk is very good for weight gain in underweight people. Adequate consumption of good quality milk leads to rapid weight gain. The eyes become bright, the beauty of the face increases and the various parts of the body get sufficient strength. So the body weight increases permanently.

Poor blood circulation

Milk is a very good food for those suffering from poor blood circulation. Natural blood circulation increases as more fluid is absorbed by the stomach and intestines. Hands and feet are cold for poor blood circulation, temperature of hands and feet is normal when blood circulation is normal.

Hyper acidity

Milk is very effective for hyperacidity and other acid conditions of the stomach. Sufficient acid is required for digestion of food. Since milk contains an excess of alkalizing substances, it quickly cures all types of acid conditions in the digestive system.


Milk is good food to cure insomnia. In this condition, every night before going to bed, a glass of milk should be mixed with honey. It acts as a tonic and sedative. Massaging the feet with milk is also beneficial.

Diseases of the respiratory system

Milk is beneficial in respiratory diseases like common cold, hoarseness and laryngitis, tonsillitis, bronchitis and asthma. In this condition, a glass of pure, hot milk mixed with a little turmeric powder and a few pieces of saffron should be eaten every night for three nights. Good results will be obtained.

Skin disease

A good and effective dressing for cuts, eczema and traumatic pain is a mixture of milk butter with a little vinegar and a little turmeric powder. Its poultice is also effective in treating boils.


Milk is also used for beauty enhancement. A fresh lemon chip in a glass of warm milk and wait for 10 minutes. Then at night apply it on hands, arms, face, neck and feet and wait for it to dry. Wash off with warm water in the morning. Regular use brightens the complexion and makes the skin soft. Daily washing of hair with milk and egg yolk stimulates hair growth and prevents scalp diseases.


tags-health benefits, health benefits of milk, nutrition,nutrition facts, cow milk nutrition facts and health benefits, nutrition facts and health benefits of milk, health, milk, milk nutrition, nutrition facts about milk

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