
Coral fish health benefits

Coral fish health benefits

Coral fish health benefits

Coral fish is used as a calcium supplement and to promote new bone growth, treat and prevent cancer, heart disease and other chronic health problems.

Calcium, calories, carbohydrates, cholesterol, fiber, potassium, protein, fat are found in coral fish.

Let us take a look at the benefits of eating coral -

  1. Reduce stroke from high content of phosphorus and zinc.
  2. The very high content of iron and riboflavin has benefits in overcoming and preventing the risk of anemia.
  3. Lowers bad cholesterol (LDL) and increases good cholesterol (HDL) in the blood due to its high content of niacin.
  4. Coral fish contains zinc and iodine which help to boost our immune system and prevent goiter.
  5. Rich in omega-3 fatty acids, this fish keeps our heart healthy.
  6. This fish is rich in selenium which keeps our cholesterol under control.

This fish is known as Coral and Vetki. It is called Patadi fish. Vetki is long and compressed.

Corals do a great job of providing nutrients to fish.

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