
Taki or Lati Fish Health Benefits

Taki or Lati Fish Health Benefits

Taki or Lati Fish Health Benefits

Taki fish

Taki or Lati or Okon is a freshwater fish. It is a freshwater fish, looking like a miniature version of a shoal fish. Body long and scaly. There are some scratches on the body. Their mouths are somewhat large and have sharp teeth. They are found in parts of Asia and Africa.

Taki fish scientific name

The scientific name of Taki fish is Channa punctata. English name: Spotted Snakehead, Green Snakehead. Taki fish is a popular fish as a native fish.

It is commonly found in floodplains in rivers, streams, berms, ponds, ditches, and in paddy fields and irrigation canals throughout the country.

Habitat and Ecology

They are carnivores and piscivores, prefer stagnant water and muddy streams, reproduce prolifically and develop rapidly, and are found in fresh and brackish water as benthopelagic species.

Chickweed is widely distributed in all types of water bodies in the country. The fish is relatively common in all its habitats. It is available in good numbers in the market. Threats to the species are common. Thus the species is assessed as Least Concern.


Researchers hypothesize that taki fish originated in the southern Himalayan region of the Indian subcontinent (present-day northern India and eastern Pakistan) at least 50 million years ago.


The body is long and round. Normal length is 13 cm and maximum length is 32.5 cm. The head is relatively large.

Nature and habitat

It is a freshwater fish. Commonly found in rivers, canals, berms, ponds, and even sinkholes. But it can also be easily cultivated in ponds.


This species of fish is found in abundance in India, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka.


Taki fish is very popular as food. People of different cultures eat this fish in different ways. The fish is eaten in Bangladesh by grilling, bharta, and roasting.

Benefits of Taki fish

The vitamins, minerals and fatty acids in fish can provide significant health benefits. Vitamin B12 found in fish is crucial for healthy red blood cell growth, DNA replication and nerve function. Adequate vitamin B12 intake is associated with a lower risk of dementia and heart disease.

Taki fish is a popular and tasty fish. It is not only delicious but also packed with nutrients. Some of the significant benefits of Taki fish are mentioned below:

1. Source of Protein: Taki fish contains a lot of protein, which is very necessary for our body. Protein helps build cells and tissues in our body, and it provides energy to our body.

2. Omega-3 fatty acids: Fish contains omega-3 fatty acids, which are good for our heart. Omega-3 fatty acids help us control blood pressure and reduce the risk of heart disease.

3. Vitamins and minerals: Taki fish contains a variety of vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin A, vitamin D, calcium, phosphorus, and iron. These vitamins and minerals are necessary for various functions of our body.

4. Good for bones: The calcium in takki fish is good for our bones and teeth. It increases bone density and reduces the risk of bone diseases.

5. Good for the brain: Omega-3 fatty acids in tuna are good for our brain. It increases our brain function and improves memory.

6. Boosts Immunity: Vitamin A and C present in Taki fish boosts our immunity. It helps our body to prevent infection.

7. Good for skin and hair: Vitamin A and E present in Taki fish are good for our skin and hair. It makes our skin beautiful and glowing and nourishes our hair.

8. Helps in weight loss: Taki fish is low in calories. So it helps in weight loss.

9. Helps in controlling diabetes: The omega-3 fatty acids in taki fish help in controlling diabetes.

10. Good for Pregnant and Lactating Mothers: Vitamins and minerals in Taki fish are good for pregnant and lactating mothers. It is beneficial for their health and that of their children.

Characteristics of Taki fish

The characteristics of Taki fish are mentioned below:

  1. Their entire body is elongated and not flattened.
  2. Lives permanently in water and cannot survive in water.
  3. Maximum length is up to 7 inches and fish up to 12 inches are noticeable.
  4. Most of the time they themselves hunt small fish.
  5. They are much faster and the whole body is slippery.
  6. See today joins and cut less in exotic areas.
  7. Their body structure is equipped with sufficient number of spines.
  8. They are vertebrates but the spine is much more flexible.
  9. They can survive by eating a variety of aquatic plants.

Last words:

Taki fish is the most popular among native fish as it is found in every part of the country.

Again, these fishes deal with many situations and try to sustain themselves in different situations.

But most of the taki fish die due to the sun i.e. they die in the water due to excessive heat. And during such time i.e. summer most of the people go to the cultivable land to hunt these fishes which have faced death due to over control of Taki fish.

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