
Topse Fish Benefits and Nutritional Values

Topse Fish Benefits and Nutritional Values

Topse Fish Benefits and Nutritional Values

Topse Fish Scientific Name: Polynemus paradiseus.

Body Description: The skin color of tapsi fish is usually golden. But sometimes belly color is silver and back is greenish. There are seven whiskers twice as long as the body. This fish has small eyes, two fins on the chest, and two spines on the back. The face of this fish is pointed and the lower jaw is small. Tapse fish This fish is found in all rivers. This fish lives in the upper layer of the water. This fish contains a lot of calcium, phosphorus and protein. This fish eats small algae, aquatic insects and insects.

Breeding: April to July is the breeding season of this fish. At this time, they reproduce by releasing eggs. This fish grows 2/3 inch in length in a year.

Tapas fish provides essential nutrients. Vitamin B complex, vitamin D, produces energy. Keeps good eyesight!

Topse is a very popular fish. This fish fry is very popular with many people. Apart from this, other types of pada are cooked with this fish. Like all fish, this fish also contains a large amount of protein. As such this fish is not much different from other fish. But what makes this fish ahead of many other fish is calcium and phosphorus.

These fish are rich in essential nutrients and vitamins for the body. The nutrients present in it help to increase the immunity of the body.

Calcium is good in this fish. This calcium can help in bone formation. This fish can be beneficial for those who have weak bones or teeth problems.

Several components of this fish can be useful in eye care. As a result, this fish can be very beneficial for those who are suffering from eye problems, or eye problems are increasing due to age.

Most of the time Topps fish fry has a lot of oil. This oil can cause digestive problems. Also, fish fry is not very healthy for those who want to lose weight.

Topse fish recipe:


10 Tapas Fish

Salt to taste

2 tbsp ginger garlic paste

3 tbsp turmeric powder

2 medium onions

2 tbsp coriander cumin powder

3 tbsp mustard oil

Amount of coriander leaves

Cooking instructions-

Wash the tops well and apply salt and turmeric.

Then heat mustard oil in a pan and fry these fish lightly.

Boil the whole black seed in that oil.

Then add dry chillies.

Finely chop the onion.

Then add onion and fry it red in oil.

Then add ginger-garlic batter, turmeric powder, coriander cumin powder and salt.

It should be served with fried fish.

Then cover with little water and cook for 10 minutes.

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