
Kajuli Fish Benefits

Kajuli Fish Benefits

Benefits of Kajuli Fish

Kajuli Fish - Kaptai Lake fish

Kajuli Fish (Scientific name: Ailiichthys punctata) is a freshwater fish of the genus Ailiichthys in the Schilbeidae family.

They are small flat fishes which are fresh water fish, which are about 10 cm in length. These fish are usually found in rivers, canals and bays. However, Kajli fish cannot be cultivated in the pond.

Known as the local fish of India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, etc.

Found in almost all rivers during monsoon. Not only the taste but also the nutritional value. Kajuli Fish contains vitamin A and D. Also, mineral oil, iron, calcium and phosphorus are available in this fish fat. If you eat fish regularly, you get rid of high blood pressure, heart disease, eye disease, pain in hands and feet, body weakness. Eating Kajuli Fish reduces high blood pressure. Doxa hexonic acid and alcosa pentaenoic acid in fish oil promote intelligence. Fish increases blood. Improves memory and eyesight. Increases the amount of glucose in the blood. Fish contains a type of fatty acid called omega-three, which helps keep the arteries of the heart flexible and improves vision.”

Contains essential DHA and EPA which are beneficial for pregnant women. Eating fish regularly increases the amount of DHA in the brain. It reduces depression and keeps memory intact.

Nutritional quality:

  •  Calories: 117 kcal
  •  Fat: 6.2 grams
  •  Protein: 15.3 grams
  •  Calcium: 313 mg
  •  Phosphorus: 525 mg
  •  Iron: 0.9 mg

Benefits of Kajuli Fish:

  1. Regular consumption of Kajuli Fish can get rid of high blood pressure, heart disease, eye disease, pain in hands and feet, body weakness. Doxa hexonic acid and alcosa pentaenoic acid in fish-oil promote intelligence. Improves memory and eyesight. Increases the amount of glucose in the blood.
  2. Kajuli Fish tissues are relatively soft. It is easy digestion.
  3. The soft thorn provides a lot of calcium to our body. Rich in phosphorus and iodine.
  4. It contains a lot of fat. For this, the caloric value of this fish is very high.
  5. Vitamin-A & Vitamin-D are available in these fishes. Their fat contains mineral oil, iron, calcium and phosphorus.
  6. Regular consumption of Kajuli Fish can get rid of high blood pressure, heart disease, eye disease, pain in hands and feet, body weakness.
  7. Doxa hexonic acid and alcosa pentaenoic acid in fish-oil promote intelligence.
  8. Improves memory and eyesight. Increases the amount of glucose in the blood.
  9. It also contains a type of fatty acid called omega-three, which helps keep the arteries of the heart flexible and improves eyesight.

All things considered, this fish is an ideal food.

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