
Aair fish Health Benefits

Aair fish Health Benefits

Aair fish Benefits

Long-whiskered catfish (scientific name: Sperata aor) is a freshwater fish of the genus Sperata. Available in rivers, canals and rivers of India, Bangladesh, Nepal, Myanmar, China, etc.

Aair fish can feed plankton as fish food. Plankton is a type of micro-organism that eats fish and grows up.

The fatty acids of fish are very beneficial for the body. These fatty acids help regulate blood pressure and reduce the risk of heart disease. Also, it helps in reducing bad cholesterol (LDL) and increases good cholesterol (HDL) in the body. Aair fish is a good source of vitamin D, vitamin B12, and selenium.

Aair fish or “aad masha” is a freshwater fish.

Common name: Aair fish

Scientific Name: (Sperata aor)

World: Animal world

Episode: Cordata

Order: Actinopterygii

Class: Siluriformes

Family: Bagridae

Genus: Sperata Species: S. aor

Long-Whiskered Catfish English name: Long-Whiskered Catfish

Features of Aair fish

Aair fish is a species of freshwater catfish found in rivers and lakes. It is a scaleless, three-spined fish. The surface color of this fish is silver-gray and the bottom color is white. The top of the head is flat and the skull is quite strong. The mouth is big and there are four pairs of long mustaches on the lips.

Size and shape: Aair fish is a medium to large sized fish, averaging about 50 to 60 centimeters (20 to 24 inches) in length and weighing up to several kilograms. It has a cylindrical body shape, tapering towards the tail and a somewhat flat head.

Color: They display a variety of colors, the upper body is often dark brown or black, while the lower body is lighter, varying from yellow to pale brown.

Spine and fin structure: The presence of strong, serrated spines on their dorsal and pectoral fins. These spines act as a defense mechanism against predators.

Habitat: Lives in ponds, rivers, ponds, water bodies. They are freshwater species, living in rivers, lakes and ponds with muddy or sandy bottoms.

It is a bottom-dwelling fish, often found in slow-moving or stagnant water, and partially burying itself in the substrate to remain camouflaged and protected.

Aair fish food: eats small Aair fish, insects, insects, earthworms etc. This fish is omnivorous.

Nutritional properties and benefits: Protein 20.00 grams, Fat 208 grams, Iron 0.5 grams, Calcium 412 mg per 100 grams. Phosphorus 361 mg. And water is included.

Breeding: This fish grows one to one and a half cubits in length in a year. Reproductive after one year. Kartika- lays eggs in the month of Agrahayana. Lays eggs by burrowing in the soil under water and hatches the eggs.

Fish taste: This fish produces tender and juicy meat when cooked. It can be combined with various spices. This adaptability makes it a great choice for a variety of cooking methods including grilling, frying, baking, steaming or even soups and stews.

Nutritional value of Aair fish

Nutrient content: every 100 grams of eider fish has 15.9 grams of meat, 1.3 grams of fat, 89 kilocalories of food energy, 380 mg. Gram calcium, 180 mg. Gram phosphorus, 0.7 m. Gram iron and 0.5 m. Gram Niacin.

* Aair fish has a strong role in building your bones and muscles.

* Increases eyesight and is a very suitable food for those suffering from hypertension.

* This fish also plays a role in strengthening hair roots.

* There are omega-3 fatty acids in eel fish. Omega-3 fatty acids reduce the risk of heart disease.

* Fills the deficiency of animal meat in our body and helps in body building.

* Calcium is useful in the formation of bones and teeth.

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