
Batashi Fish Benefits

Batashi Fish Benefits

Batashi fish Benefits 

Batashi fish

Batashi fish (Scientific name: Neotropius atherinoides) (English: Indian potasi) is a freshwater fish in the genus Neotropius of the Schilbeidae family. This species of fish is found in Bangladesh, India, Pakistan, Nepal and Myanmar. This fish is up to 15 cm in length. The body is flat, with a transparent round part near the neck. Although the fish is freshwater, it can also be found in slightly saline or tidal rivers.

This fish is rarely seen in the market today. The name of the fish is currently in the endangered fish list.

Nutritional quality:

This fish is rich in fat, calcium and iron. However, this fish is very effective in filling calcium deficiency.


Increases eye sight. Batasi fish contains sufficient amount of vitamin A, calcium, zinc, iron, phosphorus, protein, vitamin D. Nutritionists say that it helps to keep the eyes healthy. Apart from this, the nutrients stored in small fish help in the formation of new eye cells.

Vitamin A and D are available in this fish. Fish also contains fat, mineral oil, iron, calcium and phosphorus.

Eating this fish regularly can get rid of high blood pressure, heart disease, eye disease, pain in hands and feet, body weakness etc. Eating 100 grams of fresh fish daily can reduce high blood pressure by five to six points.

Doxa hexonic acid and alcosa pentaenoic acid in fish oil promote brain development. Fish increases blood. Improves memory and eyesight. Fish increases blood glucose levels. This fish contains a type of fatty acid called omega-three, which helps keep the arteries of the heart flexible and improves eyesight.

Fish contains essential DHA and EPA. Appropriate intake of DHA and EPA is very beneficial for pregnant women. Eating fish regularly increases DHA levels in the brain. It reduces depression and suicidal tendencies and develops positivity, memory is intact.

There is a lot of calcium, protein and vitamin A in Batasi fish. Nutritionists advise that small fish should be chewed with a fork. It will provide enough calcium. Therefore, small fish should be included in the regular diet.

Note that calcium is not present in our body, we have to meet its needs through food. Every person needs plenty of calcium daily. Calcium needs are especially high for growing children, expectant mothers and post-partum mothers. Calcium is very important in the formation of bones and teeth. So we should eat calcium rich food every day.

All types of small fish are rich in nutrients. As such, air fish also have a lot of nutrients. Per 100 grams of edible Batashi fish contains 610 mg of potassium, 400 mg of calcium, 200 mg of magnesium, 14.4 mg of zinc, 33.0 mg of iron and 200 mg of manganese. Which is much more than other native small fishes. Zinc helps boost the immune system.

Batasi fish is cooked in different ways. Here is a simple recipe---



Batasi fish 250 grams,

Potato (coarse) 1 cup,

½ cup chopped onion,

5 green chillies,

1 tablespoon of lemon juice,

half a cup of peas,

Half a teaspoon of turmeric powder,

Chilli powder half teaspoon,

Ginger half teaspoon,

Half a teaspoon of garlic paste,

half a cup of mustard oil,

Few coriander leaves,

Salt in moderation.


Clean and wash the fish.

All the remaining ingredients except lemon and coriander should be mixed in a cooking vessel and after washing hands, add little water.

Cover and cook.

When dry add lemon juice and coriander leaves.

If it sticks to the pot, it should be removed.

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