
Magur Fish Health Benefits and Side Effects

Magur Fish Health Benefits and Side Effects

Magur Fish Health Benefits and Side Effects


Magur (scientific name: Clarias batrachus) (English: walking catfish) is a freshwater fish of the genus Clarias in the family Clariidae.

Magur is one of the most common fish that is native to Southeast Asia. Its local name is Majgur, Machkur or Magur. Internationally it is known as Walking Catfish.

Physical characteristics

Magur fish are usually up to 30 cm long. Its maximum length can be 47 cm. Fish have no scales. They are bony, the head is depressed and two grooves are present The dorsal fin is long and has four pairs of legs Flat head, wide mouth, reddish brown or grayish black color. In some cases mature female fish have gray skin color and male fish have light ring on their body. Female fish do not have rings. The fish has large dorsal and anal fins. This fish can weigh up to 1.1 kg.

Place of receipt

Magur fish is found in Bangladesh, India, Myanmar, Thailand, Indochina, Philippines, Hong Kong, South China and Indonesia. It is mainly a tropical fish and the water temperature is 10-28 degrees Celsius. Fish usually roam underwater in canals, bils, rivers, estuaries, muddy water in paddy fields and even brackish water in coastal areas.

Nutritional value

The nutritional value of Magur fish is extensive. This fish is widely used as food for sick patients. Every 100 grams of Magur fish contains 32.0 grams of meat, 2.0 grams of fat, 172 mg of calcium, 300 mg of phosphorus and 0.7 mg of iron.


Magur fish breed once a year in natural environment at a depth of 35-50 cm This fish breeds from June-July to August-September. Artificial breeding of Magur fish is now possible and some fry have also been produced with it.

Fish eggs

Magur fish lay their eggs in holes in shallow water. Again, they breed in ponds and other closed water bodies. A mature fish is said to lay 2340-13400 eggs.

Magur is a well-known fish. Magur fish is very beneficial for eyes and helps prevent anemia. Magur fish protein is easily digestible and fish bones are also soft and easy to digest and help in body building and maintenance, so patients are asked to eat Magur fish broth as food.

What do maguro fish eat?

Diet Magur fish mainly feeds on the bottom of the pond. Feeds on green matter and animal matter, semi-rotted leaves, insects, aquatic arthropods, insects when young. Adult fish feed on various insects, larvae or midges, algae, protozoa, snails, mussels, mud, sand etc.

Nutritional value of Magur fish

Magur fish has many benefits and nutrients. Magur fish is very tasty to eat. Due to the high nutritional value of Magur fish, the demand for this fish is huge. Nutritional value of Magur fish The nutritional value of Magur fish is much higher than any other fish. This fish is rich in minerals like iron and calcium. This fish is found in almost all places in our country. Magur fish inhabit ponds, bilges, moors, ponds, and tidal rivers. Know the nutritional value of magur fish.

Every 100 grams of Magur fish has

Energy - 86 calories,

Protein - 15 grams

Calcium - 210 mg

Phosphorus – 290 mg

Iron - zero decimal 7 mg.

Do you know what happens to the body after eating this fish? Find out now.

Benefits of magur fish

As Magur fish has many benefits, it is also delicious to eat. 100 grams of Magur fish has 86 calories, 15 grams of protein, 210 mg of calcium, 290 mg of phosphorus and 0.7 mg of iron. Desi magur fish is high in iron that is useful for the body. All these are useful for the body. However, one thing must be kept in mind before buying Magur.

This fish has multiple benefits. You can buy these fish from the market and eat them at home.

Magur fish can be cooked in different ways. However, cooking this fish broth serves as food for the patient. This fish is rich in iron. Iron is used in various functions of our body. First among them is to reduce the problem of anemia. Doctors tell people suffering from anemia to eat Magur fish.

Magur fish is very beneficial for eyes. Phosphorus in it is very good for eyes.

Magur fish is easy to digest and helps in building and maintaining the body as the fish bone is soft and easy to digest. Those patients who are suffering from calcium deficiency, these calcium deficiency is compensated by regular consumption of Magur fish.

Also regular consumption of Magur fish reduces phlegm problems. For those who have just become mothers, their milk and energy increase. As a result, this fish can be very beneficial for them.

Magur fish is second to none in reducing arthritis pain. Those who have weakened bones, waist and ankle problems can eat this Magur fish. It has the potential to reduce pain.

Magur Fish Side Effects

Researchers say that Bhai Magur fish is highly carcinogenic. As a result, there is a higher chance of getting cancer by eating this magur fish. Also everything from fish fat has the potential to cause additional problems in the human body. Where in India it is absolutely forbidden to grow or sell Thai Magu.

Since it is carcinogenic, doctors advise avoiding this fish. Thai magur also carries disease-causing parasites such as fish lice or argulosis.

However, although it is so useful, there are a few things to keep in mind while buying Magur. Magur fish can be of various sizes. But so that the size of the fish increases quickly, many fish farmers inject various hormones into the body of the fish. For that reason, even if you see a big Magur fish in the market, do not buy it, avoid it. Buy small sized Magur fish. It will be very beneficial. Hybrid magur fish are very harmful to health.

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