
20 health and nutrition tips that are proof-based

20 health and nutrition tips that are proof-based

It is easy to get confused about health and nutrition. Even experts often hold opposing views, which can make it difficult to determine what you should actually do to improve your health. Several tips for wellness are supported by research.

Here are 20 health and nutrition tips based on scientific evidence.

1. Limit sugary drinks
Sugary drinks such as soda, fruit juice and sweet tea are the primary sources of sugar added to the diet. Studies have shown that sugar-sweetened beverages increase the risk of heart disease and type 2 diabetes, even in people who do not carry excess body fat. Sugar-sweetened beverages are also uniquely harmful to children, as they may not only contribute to childhood obesity but also to conditions that do not normally develop until adulthood, Such as diabetes type 2, hypertension fatty liver disease.
Healthy options include:
Sweet tea

2. Eat nuts and seeds
Nuts they are rich in protein, nutritious, fiber, vitamins and minerals. Almonds reduce risk of type 2 diabetes and heart disease. Studies have shown that short intake of nuts and seeds is associated with a higher risk of heart disease, stroke, or type 2 diabetes.

3. Avoid processed foods
Ultra-processed foods are foods that are significantly different from their original form. They often contain added sugar, long-lasting refined oil, salt, preservatives, artificial sweeteners, color and flavor.
Examples include:

Snack cake
Fast food
Frozen food
Canned food
Processed foods are extremely tasty, which means eating extra and activating the brain, which increases extra calorie consumption and weight gain. Studies shown high levels of over-processed foods can heart disease, contribute to obesity, type 2 diabetes and other chronic conditions.
In addition to low-fat ingredients such as fats, refined grains and added sugar they are low in fiber, protein, and micronutrients. 


Coffee is full of health benefits. It is rich in antioxidants, and in some studies coffee consumption has been linked to longevity and risk of type 2 diabetes, Parkinsons and Alzheimer disease, and numerous other illnesses. Drinking 2-3 cups of coffee per day seems to be enough for you, although pregnant women should avoid it as it is associated with low birth weight. Drinking too much coffee can lead to health problems such as insomnia and heart palpitations. For safe and healthy, keep your cup to less than 4 cups a day and avoid high-calorie, high-sugar added sweetened creams.

5. Eat fatty fish
Fish is a high quality protein. This is especially salmon fatty fish, which are anti-inflammatory omega-3 fatty acids and various other nutrients.
who people eat fish regularly have a lower risk of heart disease, and inflammatory bowel disease.

6. Adequate sleep
Less sleep can drive insulin resistance, disrupt your appetite hormones, and reduce your physical and mental performance. Poor sleep is one of the risk factors for weight gain and obesity. Those who do not get enough sleep prefer foods rich in fat, sugar and calories, which can lead to unwanted weight gain.

7. Bacteria in your gut

Bacteria in your gut, called gut microbiota, are incredibly important for health. Intestinal bacterial disturbances are associated with some chronic diseases, including obesity and numerous digestive disorders. Good ways to improve bowel health include eating probiotic foods such as yogurt and sauerkraut, taking probiotic supplements - when prescribed - and eating plenty of fiber. Significantly, fiber acts as a prebiotic, or food source, for bacteria in your gut.

8. Stay hydrated
Hydration is important for health. Staying hydrated helps ensure your blood volume is adequate and your body is working optimally. Drinking drinks is the best way to stay hydrated, it is calorie and sugar free. Although there is no set amount for everyone every day, aim to drink enough to satisfy your thirst adequately.

9. Do not eat too much burnt meat
Meat can be a nutritious part of your diet. It is very high in protein and a rich source of nutrients. However, the problem occurs when the meat is burned. Burnt meat can lead to the formation of harmful compounds that can increase the risk of certain cancers. When you cook meat, do not try to roast it. Additionally limit your consumption of red and processed meats such as lunch meats and bacon as it is associated with an overall cancer risk and colon cancer risk.

10. Avoid bright light before going to bed
When you come in contact with bright light - which has blue light wavelengths - at night, it can disrupt the production of your sleep hormone melatonin.
Some ways to help reduce your blue light exposure are to wear blue light blocking glasses - especially if you use a computer or other digital screen for long periods of time - and avoid the digital screen for 30 minutes to an hour before going to bed. It can help your body produce melatonin naturally as the evening progresses, helping you sleep better.

11. Take vitamin D.
Most people do not get enough vitamin D. If you dont spend a lot of time in the sun, your vitamin D levels may be lower.

12. Eat Fruits and Vegetables
Vegetables and fruits contain prebiotic fiber, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, many of which have health effects. Studies have shown that those who eat more vegetables and fruits live longer and have a lower risk of heart disease, obesity and other diseases.

13. Eat enough protein
Eating enough protein is important for optimal health, as it provides your body with the raw materials it needs to make new cells and tissues. Eating high protein can boost your metabolic rate - or burn calories - when you feel full. It can also reduce hunger and cravings at night.

14. Exercise
Doing aerobic exercise, or cardio, works best for your mental and physical health. Strength and resistance training are some of the best forms of exercise to strengthen your muscles and improve your body structure. It can also lead to significant improvements in metabolic health, including improved insulin sensitivity - which means its easier to manage your blood sugar levels - and increase your metabolic rate. If you don’t have weight, you can build resistance using your own bodyweight or resistance band and get a comparative workout with many similar benefits. Recommending prevention training twice a week is particularly effective in reducing belly fat, the harmful type of fat that builds up around your limbs. Reducing belly fat can greatly improve your metabolic health. At least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity activity per day should be attempted.

15. Do not smoke
Refrain from smoking and alcohol. Do not use drugs or drink only limited amounts. Smoking, harmful drug use, and alcohol abuse can all have serious negative effects on your health. If you do any of these actions, it will provide a barrier to reduce the risk of chronic disease.

16. Use olive oil
Olive oil is the healthiest vegetable oils. It is rich in heart-healthy monounsaturated fats and powerful antioxidants that have anti-inflammatory properties.
Olive oil can be incredibly beneficial in curing heart disease. Some people who use olive oil have a lower risk of dying from heart attack and stroke, according to some evidence.

17. Reduce your sugar intake
Sugar is very common in beverages. A high diet is associated with obesity, type 2 diabetes and heart disease.

18. Limit refined carbohydrates
Not all carbohydrates are created equal. Refined carbohydrates have been processed to remove their fiber. These are relatively low in nutrients and can be detrimental to your health if eaten in excess. Most over-processed foods are made from refined carbs, processed corn, white flour and added sugars.
Studies have shown that overeating a diet high in refined carbohydrates can be associated with weight gain and chronic diseases such as type 2 diabetes and heart disease.

19. Saturated Fats
Saturated fats were thought to be the leading cause of heart disease. While it is true that saturated fat raises cholesterol levels, it also raises HDL (good) cholesterol and lowers small, dense LDL (bad) cholesterol particles, which is associated with a lower risk of heart disease.

20. Keep an eye on your food intake
The only way to know exactly how many calories you eat is to use your food weight and nutrition tracker, because estimating the size of your portion and calorie intake is not unreliable. Tracking can provide insight into your protein, fiber and micronutrient intake. Studies have shown that people who keep an eye on their diet are more successful in losing weight and maintaining their weight loss.


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