
What to do when the Skin Color Turns Black

What to do when the Skin Color Turns Black

The color of the skin was pale, the skin of the body was bright, smooth. But for some time you have noticed that the body color is gradually turning black or there are black spots on some parts of the body and this black color suddenly starts falling on the neck, neck or face, especially near the bones of both. It is now seen to be on the side of cheeks or feet. If so, maybe it is a matter of concern. No need to sleep at night. In this case, the guardian may be worried about his daughter.

Before we can get rid of the above problems, we must find the cause. Otherwise it cannot be treated. Different diseases can cause such problems for different reasons. Again the same spot or spots in the same place may be the same cause for some but different for others. So, first of all, knowing the exact cause, you have to take immediate medical action. For example, first we are talking about a disease called Acanthosis nigricans. In this disease, the throat, neck, armpits, mouth, genitals, groin and inner part of the thigh are seen to turn black. Moreover, the affected skin is becoming rough and rough. Spots may also appear on the sides of the elbows and knees. It looks like algae has accumulated in the affected area. If the disease becomes more widespread, it can be seen that the area around the navel, mouth and lips may also turn black. However, the color is not always black. In addition to black, gray or brown spots may appear. The skin on the hands and feet can also become rough.

This type of disease can have many causes, the most common of which is obesity. Hormonal problems may or may not accompany it. In this case, the skin around the neck, armpits and thighs is becoming thick like gray velvet. This type of diabetes can also be a problem. This disease can also be a symptom of various diseases.

Acanthosis can also be caused by the use of certain drugs. Medications include nicotinic acid, niacinamide and diethyl steelbestrol, birth control pills, steroid drugs and more. There is also a type of acanthosis where cancer can occur in any part of the body. 80% of these are due to stomach cancer. Cancers of the lungs, breasts, gallbladder and kidneys can cause this type of disease. In most cases, the disease occurs in adults, but in some cases, it can occur in children. If a forty year old man has such a wide range of problems in his body, he should think about cancer.

Another type of disease may be hereditary. Which can occur from birth or childhood and may increase during adolescence. However, in such cases there is no link between cancer.

Treatment and Remedy: Treatment must find the cause. Treatment is possible if cancer is detected at an early stage. Those who have hormonal problems should be treated accordingly after finding out the cause through hormone test.

Diabetes patients need to control their diabetes. However, it can be seen that many people try to remove the sweaty stone by rubbing. But it should not. Because it will damage the skin.

The second disease is called Addison disease. In this disease, due to the secretion of hormones from the adrenal glands above the kidneys, the skin color may turn black. The disease can occur in all areas of the body that are exposed to sunlight or where there is friction or injury. Such as hat, elbow, folding area of ​​the body. In addition, the armpits, anus and adjacent parts of the breast may be black. Hand lines become black, cut or burn marks become darker or darker in color. Facial cavities, hair, nails may turn black. The nails have long black spots. All these problems can be changed through proper treatment. About 20 to 40 percent of patients with the disease have symptoms of skin discoloration, but 100 percent of people have skin discoloration problems.

In addition to black spots, problems other than black spots can occur in 15% of cases of Edison disease.

Some more reasons should be explored for sudden discoloration of skin color. Such as whether the patient has had malaria, diabetes, anemia, etc. in the last few months or whether the malaria drugs Minocycline, Largectil, etc. have been used in the last two months. The patient should be examined to see if he has been exposed to any chemicals. On the other hand, using any cosmetics or any soap can change the color of the skin. If such problems can be treated according to the cause of the disease, then it is possible to restore the normal color of the skin.

The use of various metallic substances can also make the skin black. The use of arsenic is one of them. Some parts of the skin are colorless and some parts have black spots like raindrops on arsenic infected people.

Other metals include mercury. Facial creams for facial creams contain chemicals such as mercury that can cause brown, gray or dark colors on the face and body during practical use. In addition, the use of metals such as lead, gold, etc. can also cause discoloration of the skin.

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