
How to lose belly fat?

How to lose belly fat?

Ways to lose belly fat

Maintaining a proper body weight is very important for overall health. Accumulation of body fat is not a good sign. Belly fat in particular can cause various problems and diseases. When fat accumulates in the abdomen, it surrounds important internal organs such as the liver and intestines. It disrupts the normal functioning of these organs. It increases the chances of contracting various diseases.

According to expert report, accumulation of excess fat in the abdomen increases health risks. Women are especially at risk. Studies have shown that women who accumulate excess abdominal fat experience long-term muscle and joint pain. This problem is more common in women than men. This variation is mainly due to body composition, hormonal influence. Belly fat does not just surround the liver and intestines! Also produces a chemical substance called cytokine. This inflammation causes inflammation in the bones, joints and muscles.

Some ways to lose belly fat:


Being healthy is not a substitute for being physically active. Regular physical activity can help burn excess calories and fat. It needs to be exercised separately, not so much. Daily activities like walking, swimming, cycling can also keep the body active.

Balanced diet

Diet: Diet is directly related to fat accumulation in the body and abdomen. Belly fat usually begins to accumulate earlier than other parts of the body. Try to eat whole foods as much as possible to avoid this problem. Like whole fruits, vegetables, grain foods etc. Besides, fatty meat, sugary sweet food, packaged food should be reduced.

Psychological conditions: Hormones play a role in the accumulation of abdominal fat. A hormone called cortisol is responsible for this. Basically, when you are stressed, the flow of this hormone increases. That is why it is necessary to practice calming the mind. Yoga or meditation should be practiced to calm the mind.

Sleep: 7 to 8 hours of restful sleep per day can help regulate metabolism. Abdominal fat accumulates more than usual due to lack of adequate sleep.

Drink water

Water: Water is a prerequisite to keep the body healthy, free from any kind of disease. 70% of our body is water, so water helps protect us from various diseases. Drinking water is beneficial for everything from digestion to fat loss.

How to lose belly fat?

  • Adequate sleep
  • Stop alcohol
  • Stress management
  • Choose healthful fats
  • Diet
  • High-protein diet
  • Replace sugary drinks
  • Carbohydrate
  • Cycling
  • Strength training
  • Try cardio
  • High-intensity interval training
  • Abdominal exercises
  • Always read labels
  • Consider intermittent fasting
  • Crunches
  • Do not eat high-sugar foods before bedtime
  • Eat fatty fish every week
  • Eat fewer carbohydrates
  • Eat plenty of soluble fiber
  • Eliminate processed food
  • Exercise regularly
  • Mountain climber
  • Practice portion control

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