
Adhere to Every Day to keep yourself Healthy

Adhere to Every Day to keep yourself Healthy

Health is not the key word, so keep an eye on health. Practice following the rules for living a healthy life.

Fibrous foods:

Put enough fibrous grains in the food list For breakfast in particular, cereals can be accompanied by a variety of grains, wheat, corn, fruit and yogurt. It instantly fills the stomach and also keeps the stomach clean, i.e. eliminates constipation But fruit means apples, not grapes Rather, when the fruit is available, it means eat seasonal fruit It also increases immunity

Drink more, salt-sugar less:

You should drink at least one to two liters of water per day but not sweet mixed drinks, avoid salt and sugar to keep yourself healthy and beautiful, brown sugar and salt should contain iodine and fluoride.

Everything the body needs:

The same type of food should not be eaten in any way every day So include a variety of vitamins, minerals and protein in your daily diet. Moreover, the quality of food is big, not the amount of food For example, proteins provide quality energy without increasing body weight, which is essential for cells.

Inculde Ddelicious fruits and vegetables:

The daily diet should include legumes, beans, legumes, and plenty of fruit. As it helps in controlling sugar in the body, it also plays a role in preventing heart disease Cabbage, cauliflower helps to reduce the risk of cancer According to the World Health Organization, vegetables and fruits should be eaten several times a day People who eat more fruits and vegetables have a lower risk of asthma or allergies.

Say no to fast food:

Shop-made fast food or ready-made food should not be eaten at all They contain a lot of sugar and a variety of harmful things 

Food for brain development:

The human brain needs sugars and glucose for its development. It is found in various fruits, sweet potatoes, fish-meat, nuts etc. Eating nuts two or three days a week can help prevent heart disease. Egg yolks are also good for the brain.

Milk or milk products:

Milk should be kept in the food list every day However, nowadays many people cannot eat milk directly due to allergies In that case Milk contains beneficial vitamins and minerals for the body, In addition, eating fish, meat or eggs two days a week is enough which help prevent aging.

Ginger, Garlic, Onion:

Use less oil in cooking and it is better to use vegetable oil if possible they are also high in vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Ginger, garlic and onion are used in Asian cuisine This onion, garlic is helpful in preventing cancer And ginger kills bacteria and keeps the stomach clean

Chew slowly:

Dont eat in a hurry as it can lead to overeating and it can lead to weight gain and digestive problems. Moreover, understand what you are eating, why you are eating - eat by listening, that is, enjoy the food You will feel exactly what you eat, meaning your performance will depend on what you eat.


Researchers at Harvard University School of Public Health claim that carrots alone can increase the speed of sperm multiplied by several times. Vegetables like carrots, lettuce, spinach contain a kind of antioxidant called beta-carotene. According to the researchers, this antioxidant can increase the speed of sperm towards the ovary by 7.5% to 8%. Tomatoes are present Lycopene protein. This protein is responsible for the red color of tomatoes. Lycopene inhibits the production of abnormally shaped sperm.

Walk Daily:

Walking for at least half an hour every day, regular walking or exercise also helps boost the bodys immune system


Tags: how to be healthy, health, healthy, how to keep your heart healthy, healthy habits, how to stay healthy, how to keep your brain healthy, health tips, keep your mind healthy, keep your brain healthy, healthy lifestyle, healthy diet, healthy aging, healthy eating, keys to a healthy life, ways to be healthy, keys to health, ways to get healthy, do it yourself, ways to improve your health, healthy recipes, healthy routine, how to get healthy, how to improve your health

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