
The secret of fire creation

The secret of fire creation

The secret of fire creation

Allah Taala says in the Holy Quran:

 Have you thought about the fire you light? Did you create its tree, or did I? I made that tree a memorial and a material for the desert dwellers. So glorify the name of your great Lord.

(Surah Waqiya: 71-74)

Allah Almighty has created very necessary and useful things like fire in His infinite power and grace. And in this case there is the endless glory of his creative skill. He created fire by preserving it. He has made the fire invisible so that people can survive its harm and evil and attain it in times of need. Can turn it off again after work. It does not take much speed to achieve fire. It is preserved in such substance that it can be attained very easily. If fire were to be created in a widespread and unrestrained manner, it would be the cause of great calamity and danger to the universe.

Fire has an essential and special role in human life. If there was no fire, cooking food would not be possible. All the food was inedible. Different food items are mixed with each other to become edible and delicious food. If Allah Taala had not created fire with His infinite grace, then people would have been deprived of the benefits of this world. Without the use of fire, it would have been impossible to use gold, silver, copper, iron, lead, etc. necessary products. All metal products including gold and silver are melted in the heat of fire to make weapons and ornaments. Allah Almighty has given us the special blessings of minerals and has also informed us of their use. So it is our duty to always express our unfailing gratitude to him in deeds and words.

Allah says in the Holy Quran:

O descendant of David! Work with gratitude.

(Surah Saba: 13)

Take iron; We make many essential things from iron. We prepare weapons and necessary household furniture, sticks, axes, etc. to survive the attacks of fierce animals and enemies. Moreover, it is impossible in this small scale to write in detail how many types of furniture are made from iron and how much people are benefited by it. About this

Allah says in the Holy Quran:

And We have sent down iron, which has great strength and many benefits for mankind.

(Surah Hadid: 25)

Elsewhere Allah says:

So that it protects you in battle, so will you be grateful? (Surah Ambiya: 80)

Iron is used to make various agricultural tools, and iron is also used to cut huge mountains. With the help of iron tools, flat roads were built to cut the big mountains. These necessary furniture and tools are prepared by melting iron by fire. If there was no fire then it would not have been possible for people to prepare these furniture and tools.

Moreover, different metals are melted in fire to make coins of different values, which are very necessary in transactions and trade. Various types of Manobhola ornaments are also made with these metals. If there was no fire, these things would not have been created and man would have been deprived of the use and benefits of various metals.

Fire is created by Allah Almighty with another special element. And that is light. When people are unemployed (or unable to work due to darkness) and afraid of animals and thieves-robbers during the night, lighting a fire lamp creates a favorable environment for work and frees from fear and fear of danger. By lighting various kinds of lamps, they organize mahfils, jalsa and various kinds of events. Fire is used as an excellent tool of self-defense during war. The fort can be defended by setting fire in battle and can also defend itself from enemy attacks. There is no counting how many other ways fire can be used and how many benefits it has. It is the infinite power and infinite mercy of the great creator that He has created fire for the good of man and has given its control to man. He can turn it on whenever he wants and turn it off again when he is done.

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