
The story of Pharaoh death

The story of Pharaoh death

The story of Pharaoh death

Pharaoh was one of the most tyrannical and apostate rulers on earth. Pharaoh name comes to people mouth when they want to draw examples and examples of tyranny. Pharaoh was not only a tyrant, he also claimed to be God, asking people to worship him instead of God.

In this regard, Allah Taala said in the Holy Quran, (O Musa!) Go to Pharaoh, he has transgressed. And say (to him), Do you have any interest in self-purification? And shall I show you the way of your Lord, that you may fear Him? Then he showed him great signs. But he lied and disobeyed. Then he turned back and tried to redress. He gathered everyone together and announced in a loud voice.

And he said, I am the best of your Lords. (Surah Najiyat, verses 17-24)

In another verse, Allah Taala says, If you take anyone other than Me as your god, I will include you among the prisoners. (Surah Shura, verse 29)

Pharaoh brutally tortured and killed children to maintain power

The pharaoh used to brutally torture the people and kill the children of that era to maintain his state and power. The Holy Quran states, Pharaoh became powerful in his country and he divided the countrymen into different groups and weakened one group of them. He killed their sons and kept the women alive. Indeed, he was the creator of mischief.

A total of 74 times in the 27 surahs of the Holy Quran Pharaoh is mentioned and the tragic end of this apostate tyrant is highlighted.

Pharaoh genealogy

According to history, Pharaoh is not the name of a person. It is the title of the emperors of Egypt at that time. These emperors of Kibati dynasty ruled Egypt for several centuries. At that time, Egypt had reached the peak of civilization. Mummification of corpses, construction of pyramids etc bear evidence of the scientific progress of their time.

During the time of Hazrat Musa (a.s.) there were two pharaohs in succession. According to Lewis Golding, the tyrant pharaoh was named Ramassis II. And the pharaoh who drowned was his son Maneptah or Marneptah.

Pharaoh vizier Haman

During the era of Hazrat Musa A., the Pharaoh of Egypt was very tyrannical. A man named Haman was appointed as his vizier. This Haman began to dream of Pharaoh to be the king of the world. The subjects started giving various arguments and advices so that Neeret would be fooled and believe him to be God.

What Musa said in the face of Pharaoh.

At that time, Allah Taala revealed the revelation to Musa A. and entrusted him with the responsibility of bringing the misguided people back to the true religion. One day Musa came to Pharaoh court with his elder brother Harun A. after receiving the responsibility assigned by Allah. Moses addressed Pharaoh. He said, You are preaching that you are God, it is very wrong. Mankind has no god but Allah Almighty. I am the Messenger of Allah. Pharaoh despised him and began to persecute him and the followers of his religion in various ways. After his torture increased by God command, Musa a. He set out with his followers to leave Egypt.

It is stated in the Holy Quran, "I sent Moses with My signs and a clear document." (Sent) to Pharaoh and his council. Yet they (Pharaoh people) continued to follow Pharaoh orders. But Pharaoh words were not righteous (his actions were not good). - (Surah: Hud, Ayah: 96-97)

It is narrated elsewhere, Pharaoh said, What! Did you believe in this person before I gave permission? Surely this is a conspiracy. You have conspired in this city to expel its inhabitants. Well, you will know the result soon. I will cut off your hands and feet from opposite sides and then impale you all. (Araf 7: 123-124).

Seeing them leave, the crooked Haman and other viziers began to give bad advice to the pharaoh. At their iniquity, Pharaoh chased after them with his army. It is narrated in the Holy Quran, Pharaoh said to the leaders of the people (Pharaoh), Will you let Moses and his people go free, so that they may (unimpeded) wreak havoc on the earth and reject you and your gods? He said, We will kill their sons and keep their women alive, and we have full power over them. (Araf 7: 127).

Musa A. And his followers had by then reached the shores of the Red Sea. At that time they looked back and saw Pharaoh innumerable soldiers coming to catch them. Behind them is this danger, before them is the vast Red Sea. They were shocked and started shaking with fear. At that time, Almighty Allah commanded Musa a., Musa, "Strike the sea with your stick". Musa A. He did so as instructed by Almighty Allah. The vast ocean split into two and stood like a wall on both sides. Through that way Musa a. And his followers crossed over safely.

Where did the story of Pharaoh death take place?

Even then, the road to the sea remained as it was. Pharaoh came to the other side with his people and army. He saw a wonderful road formed in the middle of the sea. He saw Musa (a.s.) and his people crossing over. He is Musa. He marched down that road to the Red Sea with his army to attack his followers. When Pharaoh army reached the middle of the sea, Allah the Exalted said to Musa, ``Hurry up and strike the sea again with your stick. According to the command of Almighty God, Musa. He struck the water of the sea, so that a steep stream of water from both sides fell on the pharaoh and his soldiers and carried them away. Pharaoh and his army were destroyed.

Allah Taala says in the Holy Quran, "Pharaoh and his army showed unjust arrogance in the land." They thought they did not have to come back to me. So I captured him and his soldiers and threw them into the sea. Now look, what happens to the oppressors! (Surah: Qasas 28: 39-40).

Elsewhere it is narrated, I led Bani Israel across the sea. Then Pharaoh and his army pursued them for oppression and transgression. At last when he was faced with drowning, he said, I confess that there is no god but the One in whom the Children of Israel believe, and I am of the faithful. (The answer is given) now you believe? But before this you disobeyed and you were among the troublemakers. So today I will protect your body, so that you will be a sign for the people of your future. (For) many people are heedless of My signs. (Yunus 10:90-92)

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